Monday, November 26, 2012

Will be joining Nicola's Scarlett Letter Challenge.... This is where I am on Ann Medd.. she will be my project for this challenge.. so I will pick her up again with the new year.  I actually think I may have a bit more finished than the picture shows.. Guess I better get her out and give her a look see..


Nicola said...

I am so pleased you have joined particularly with Ann Medd as she started my love of Scarlet Letter samplers.

HollyXSing said...

Hey, KB! I am doing Nicola's challenge as well. Emma Miles 1848 is my choice....of course, I have at least 30 sampler charts from the Scarlett already! BUT Emma was calling to me;) I hope all is well with you!

I am hoping to win the Powerball Lottery so I can retire and stitch to my hearts content!

-Holly in VA

Deb said...

Oh, I'm excited to see someone working on Ann! I finished her up year and I think that she is my favorite sampler to date. She took me five years to do though - wish that Nicola had started this Challenge back then.

Erica said...

I have Ann as a WIP in my stash. Hopefully I will get the motivation to finish her.